
All living things depend on both nurturing (for new growth), as well as protection (for preservation of existing growth). This also applies to our precious children, who are tender saplings relying on us to adequately protect them from harm.

Children must be most carefully watched over, protected and trained; in such consisteth true parenthood and parental mercy. - Abdul-Baha

A cruel fate

In the current state of society, children face a cruel fate. Millions and millions in country after country are dislocated socially. Children find themselves alienated by parents and other adults whether they live in conditions of wealth or poverty. This alienation has its roots in a selfishness that is born of materialism that is at the core of the godlessness seizing the hearts of people everywhere. The social dislocation of children in our time is a sure mark of a society in decline; this condition is not, however, confined to any race, class, nation or economic condition—it cuts across them all. - Universal House of Justice