Why don't all people love God?

Have you ever noticed how some creatures such as the beautiful parrots and colourful birds, really love the sun? and in the morning as soon as the sun rises they sing melodies and play in the sunshine, enjoying the suns beauty and warmth? Whilst at the same time there are some other creatures, like bats and spiders who really don’t love the sun at all! They can’t see its beauty and are ungrateful of the sun, in fact they even avoid the sun and turn away from it.

Do you know why this is? Why do some creatures love the sun, and others don’t? It’s because of the creatures themselves that determines whether they love the sun, or don’t love the sun. The creatures that have become blessed and bright love the sun, and the creatures that have become dark and gloomy don’t love the sun.

It’s the same with people. The more beautiful and bright and blessed your heart is, the more you love God, and the less bright your heart becomes the less you love God.

How do we make our heart beautiful and bright so that we can know and love God more? It takes effort! For example if you obey the commandments of God, and are grateful for what you have, and you sacrifice your time and energy for others, and you do service for others, and you pray to God daily, your heart will become more beautiful each day and full of light, and you will know and love God. You would become like the blessed creatures like the colourful birds who love the sun.

But if you instead don’t obey the commandments of God, for example if you backbite and gossip about others, or if you are dishonest or selfish, or if you watch bad films, or listen to rude music, or if you rarely pray to God or thank Him, these will make your heart lose its brightness and beauty over time, it will gradually become darker and further away from God, and over time will make it harder for you to know or love God, like the poor bats and dark animals that can’t see how beautiful the sun is anymore.