Who created God?

There obviously has to be a first thing that existed, right? Today we have billions of things, we have clouds, birds, planets, stars, etc, but there had to be a first thing which caused all the other things to appear over time.

By “God” we mean the first thing that existed. Is there anything before the first thing that existed? Of course not! That would be a silly question.

Imagine being the very first thing that existed! No people, no trees, no flowers, no planets, no stars, no laws of science – NOTHING EXCEPT YOU! Did you know that the first thing that existed had absolutely nothing around it, and nothing before it that it could rely on or get help from in order to exist? This is one reason why we say that the first thing is extremely powerful and self-subsisting. Self-subsisting means that something is so powerful that it can survive completely by itself! Which is exactly what the first thing had to do! So we say that God is “self-subsisting”.

This incredibly powerful first thing, that was self-subsisting and had no creator of its own - is what we call God.

So, if someone ever asks you “Who Created God”? The answer is – Nobody! Because by God we mean the first thing and there’s nothing before the first thing! The first thing is what causes all other things to exist.