Where is God?

Our creator is a spiritual Being, not a physical Being. Did you know that spiritual things are very different from physical things and do not have a location, or a shape?! It sounds very strange, but let me explain...

For example “Love” is also a spiritual thing. If someone asked you “What does the love you have for your parents look like?”, or “Where is that love?” you would have a very hard time showing them because love is a spiritual thing, and like all spiritual things it is not restricted to any location or shape, even though it’s very real! If someone opened your heart they would not find “love” inside would they? even though you do love your parents! So we can see that some things exist that we can’t see directly.

Another example of a spiritual thing is “Knowledge”. If someone asked you “What does knowledge look like?” or “Where is knowledge?”, you would not be able to show him because knowledge is a spiritual thing, so it doesn’t have a shape or a location, even though its real, and if someone opened your head they would not find “Knowledge” inside would they? even though you do have knowledge!

So the answer to “Where is God?” is that like all spiritual things He is not restricted to any particular location - how strange is that!!!