What is God like? Can I see Him?

Just look around you at the wonderful world you are living in, and also look within yourself and consider the amazing powers that you have been generously given, and you can soon see what God is like. God is a Spirit so we can’t see Him directly, but what we can see is all of the wonderful things that His Will has created!

For example when you look at the clouds that cast their shade, and pour down their gentle life giving rain, you can see that God is merciful and kind.

And when you look at the perfect detail and order in nature you can see God’s great intelligence and wisdom.

And when you look at the ocean, you can see God’s majesty and grandness.

And when you look at the stars, you can see God’s loftiness and glory.

And when you were a baby looking up at your parents, you could see God’s loving kindness.

In fact every single thing that God has created, shows us something about God. For example a butterfly shows us His gentleness and grace - and a hurricane shows us his power!

We who are very tiny creatures have been gifted by God with many wonderful powers, like the power of sight and hearing, and even greater powers too, like the power of understanding and knowledge, the ability to forgive, and the ability to have feelings such as joy and sadness. Our Creator certainly has all of those powers too in a far greater measure - otherwise we tiny creatures could never have received them could we?

God is extremely loving, and generous, and merciful - but also stern and wrathful. He is extremely gentle and kind – but also fearfully powerful. He is awe-inspiring, and unapproachably glorious.

We can’t see God directly though, because He is a Spirit, and spiritual things don’t have a fixed shape or a location and are invisible to us. We cannot see God Himself but what we can see is all of the things that His Will has created for us in this physical world for our growth and training. The most wonderful thing that God has created for us to see is the Prophets of God, also known as the "Manifestations of God" (because they manifest/show God to us) - In this Day the Manifestations of God are the Blessed Bab, and Baha'u'llah.