How can we find out about God if we can’t see Him?

We can’t see spiritual things like God, or Love, or Knowledge directly, so how do we learn about them? We know them because we can see their signs and effects in this physical world! This is how we know them.

This is actually how scientists learn about things that they can’t see directly - by observing their signs and effects. For example nobody has ever seen a force called “gravity”, but we are certain that “gravity force” must exist because we see its signs and effects - which is that objects are pulled towards other objects.

In the same way, we also know about other invisible things by their signs and effects.

For example we see the signs and effects of love, which is that people are willing to be patient and happily sacrifice their time and energy, even their lives for each other – so love must be real,

and we see the signs and effects of knowledge, which is that wonderful inventions and technology appears in this world – so knowledge must be real too even though we can’t see it,

similarly we see countless signs and effects of God in the world –like the beautiful scenery of nature, and the amazingly organised and perfect details in the world from the tiny invisible atom all the way up to the gigantic galaxies. In fact every created thing in the world is a sign of God’s greatness and power - including yourself too! (you didn’t create yourself, did you?)

Because we can’t see God Himself, and because God wishes us to know and love Him, and to be able to receive His guidance - He always sends into the world a wonderful and inspiring person to be a source of guidance and inspiration for mankind. This wonderful person is one of the greatest signs of God to mankind.

Buddha, Moses, Zoroaster, Jesus, Krishna, Muhammad, Bab, Baha’u’llah - Depending on which part of the world you were born in you would know about at least one of these people. They are the Manifestations of God, who are the Founders of the religions throughout history, and whenever mankind faithfully obeys them, society makes enormous progress in social order and technological progress and becomes kinder and closer to God, and whenever mankind begins to ignore them, society starts to decline and go backwards towards fanaticism, or superstition, or materialism and moral decline. This is an undisputable historical fact. You will find that every great civilisation was founded on the influence and teachings of the Manifestations of God.

So if you really want to know about God and want to see Him, the most effective way is to learn about and listen to God’s greatest signs on earth – the Manifestations of God.